Hoya dimorpha F. M. Bailey 1898

Type description:

            In Queensland Agriculture Journal 3 (1898) 156.  F. M. Bailey. H. dimorpha (n. sp.) A stout twiner, the extremities often slender with much smaller leaves. Leaves thick-coriaceous, oblong-acuminate, slightly cordate at the base; those on the thick portion of the stem exceeding 5 in. in length and 2 in. in breadth; those on the slender ends often cordate and under 2 in. long, glabrous, undersides pale, the gland on the face indicating the attachment of the petiole, beneath often a broad ciliate disk at times mote or less umbonate. Petiole stout, usually less then ½ in. long. Peduncles slender, 2 to 3 in. long, bearing an umbel of many — 27 or more —  small flowers. Pedicels about 1 in. long. purplish; flower-buds 5 angled, about 3 lines in diameter. Calyx-segments triangular, ½ line long. Corolla nearly white. 5-lobed, expanding to about 5 lines diameter, silky-hairy on the back, more prominently so on the margins, and also forming a ring around the orifice of  the corolla tube, nearly glabrous on the face. Corona white glossy, segments  about 1 line long, concave above, the sides produced into thick wing-like ribs beneath, Hab. Twining over shrubs and trees growing on the margin of the small bays at the foot of Mount Trafalgar, New Guinea.